Welcome to Inside Yak

Our web-site is coming soon. But for now – all you need to know is that we are Telecoms Business built to let you work anywhere.

  • We Do
    • Android
    • iOS
    • Chrome
    • Desktop phones
    • Teams

Designed for your business

Our system is designed from the ground-up to give you all the features you need – and lets you avoid complexity by hiding those you don’t.

Implemented by Your IT Team

We focus on the telephony and back end stuff so your IT team (or – outsourced IT Supplier) can implement our solution for you. If you don’t have an IT Team – no problem – let us put you in touch with one

Fully Featured for success

Whether you need call-recording, audio conferencing, time based routing or an IVR – our system has you covered. If your just looking for a landline inbound number – but want it to ring on your mobile (free of call charges) – we can do that.

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